yeah, next month, it will be 4 years for me from the day I started my professional life, rather, my professional journey. I wont talk about the "professional" but about the "journey" in this post. Its been more than 4 years when I left the cool, happy, careless & comfortable life of New Delhi & came to Bangalore. Well, I have retained most of the above mentioned adjectives but maybe less careless now(at least I hope so).
These years made me realize that life indeed is a journey. We are just travellers, its us who choose how to travel & with whom to travel. Frankly, I can write a book on these 4 years, but lets save that thought for some other day(don't wanna scare you). If I think of the years on the timeline, they past rather quickly than I anticipated. But if I think of how I changed & how much I learnt, these 4 years were the life changing years for me.
I travelled a lot for work, 3 years were spent in South Korea, a country I love the most after India. Beautiful people & beautiful life. During this journey I visited many other countries & everywhere I found new friends & new bonds which are still tied with me. We just walk on this path , we find travellers who start walking beside you. Some of them hold your hands too & walk with you for some point of time. Suddenly the hands just get separated , you realize that they are not following the same road as you are. You were together for the common part of the journey, both ignorant of the fact that the paths are different. That separation can be very gloomy. Your heart sinks but we have to move on. And we move on.
During all that, some people are always next to you. Comforting you, empathizing with you. These friends light up the journey & don't make you realize that the journey is difficult. I have met numerous wonderful people like them who are still with me & hopefully we will go a long way together. You learn a lot from them & also from the obstacles which you encounter in the journey. Maybe among these people, someone might hold your hand again & this time both follow the same path together.
I don't know if I am able to get my point across to you or not, but I think you will be picturing what I am writting. Maybe one day I will try to take a break from the journey to take rest. Don't know when that will happen. But right now I just want to walk on......
All the fellow travellers who ever crossed my path, walked with me or are still walking with me, that thread of contact will never break,that's my assurance. Maybe your paths are different but we will stay in touch. Someday it might just happen that our paths cross , when that happens, I would love to recognize you.
--keep walking.